Noble County Board of Zoning Appeals

Regular Meeting

DATE: July 10 2019 • TIME: 7:00 p.m.

PLACE: Dekko Meeting Room, Noble County Office Complex South, Albion, Indiana


A. A. Call to Order

B. Roll Call

C. Determination of Quorum

D. Consideration of Minutes

E. Unfinished Business

Variance #2146 - GERDES, GEORGE T & LISA M - Requests a Development Standards Variance (Article 2.22) to allow a 2’ side setback (Southeast) from the platted right-of-way, instead of the Plan Director approved “infill” of 8’4 as allowed by the UDO. Real estate is located in Section 32 of Noble Township, quadrant 400, parcel 016, common location known as lots 11, 12, & 13 in Groveland Park to Big Lake; 5425 S Groveland Dr, Albion, IN.

F. New Business

Special Exception #512 MILLER, DANIEL J & LAURA J - Requests a Special Exception from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.03) to allow for the operation of a dog kennel of up to 8 dogs on the property. Real estate is located in Section 11 of Perry Township, quadrant 400, parcel 003, common location known as 10926 N SR 5 Ligonier, IN.

Variance #2150 MILLER, DANIEL J & LAURA J - Requests a Development Standards Variance from the Unified Development Ordinance (Article 5.30), for an overall size reduction of a kennel enclosure from the UDO required 1,000 sq. ft. to 336 sq. ft. and to reduce the minimum area per dog of 50 sq. ft. to 42 sq. ft. per dog. Real estate is located in Section 11 of Perry Township, quadrant 400, parcel 003, common location known as 10926 N SR 5 Ligonier, IN.

Variance #2151 BUFINK, MICHAEL R - Requests a Development Standards Variance from the Unified Development Ordinance (Article 5.35 (C) (3)) To allow for the use of a 1999 camper (39 feet) for temporary living area while the property owner builds a new house for approximately twelve (12) month but no longer than fifteen (15) months. Real estate is located in Section 23 of Green Township, Quadrant 200, Parcel 003, common location known as 4781 E 400 S, Churubusco IN.

Variance #2152 KIPROFF - BRINK, CHRISTINE C - Requests a Development Standards Variance from the Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.22) to allow a 31.8’ (South) waterside setback instead of the UDO allowed infill of 40’ and to and to allow a 20.2' (West) front yard setback instead of the UDO required 30’ to allow construction of a new home with a 12’x34’ open porch. Real estate is located in Section 18 of Orange Township, Quadrant 400, Parcel 032, common location known as 0228 E Lakeview Dr, Wawaka, IN.

Variance #2153 GILLENWATER, GALEN & CORINNE - Request a Development Variance from the Noble County Flood Ordinance to allow for fill in the floodplain for construction of a shed. Real estate is located in Section 16 of Jefferson Township, Quadrant 200, parcel 099, common location known as 2867 E SR 8, Albion, IN.

G. Junk, Trash, Debris

H. Future Agenda Items

I. Adjournment

Posted on June 14, 2019 .

Noble County Board of Zoning Appeals

Regular Meeting

DATE: May 29, 2019 • TIME: 7:00 p.m.

PLACE: Dekko Meeting Room, Noble County Office Complex South, Albion, Indiana


A. Call to Order

B. Roll Call

C. Determination of Quorum

D. Consideration of Minutes

E. Unfinished Business

F. New Business

Variance #2145 LASH, BERNARD L - Requests a Development Standards Variance from the Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.03) to allow for 615 sq. ft. of living area instead of the UDO required 1,200 sq. ft, for construction of a 26’x27’ home, with the living area on the second floor, (lower will be a garage). Real estate is located in Section 5 of Swan Township, quadrant 300, parcel 011, common location known as South of 0776 S 700 E, Avilla, IN.

Variance #2146 GERDES, GEORGE T & LISA M - Requests a Development Standards Variance (Article 2.22) to allow a 2’ side setback (Southeast) from the platted right-of-way, instead of the Plan Director approved “infill” of 8’4 as allowed by the UDO. Real estate is located in Section 32 of Noble Township, quadrant 400, parcel 016, common location known as 5425 S Groveland Dr., Albion, IN.

Variance #2147 TAYLOR, JAMIE L - Requests a Use Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.03) to allow for the operation of a type 6 retail sales (fireworks) on the property from the detached garage – open to the public May through July, then by appointment only basis for other times. Real estate is located in Section 33 of Elkhart Township, quadrant 300, parcel 008, common location known as 6055 N 350 W, Wawaka, IN.

Variance #2148 BENTZ, STEVE & SARA - Requests a Development Standards Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 5.08) to allow the construction of a 24’x24’ garage on the back lot of the property without prior construction of a primary structure on the lake-font lot. Real estate is located in Section 11 of Noble Township, Quadrant 400, parcel 076, common location known as W Highland Dr. (N of 1903 W Highland DR), Albion, IN.

G. Junk Trash Debris Report

H. Future Agenda Items

I. Adjournment

Posted on May 13, 2019 .

Noble County Board of Zoning Appeals

Special Meeting

DATE: May 1, 2019 • TIME: 6:30 p.m.

PLACE: Dekko Meeting Room, Noble County Office Complex South, Albion, Indiana


A. Call to Order

B. Roll Call

C. Determination of Quorum

D. Consideration of Minutes

E. Unfinished Business

F. New Business

Variance #2144 Douglas C & Patricia A Moser & Jeff Jacobs – Requests a Development Standards Variance (Article 5.12) to allow a reduced setback from 1,000 feet from the confined feeding barn to the property line of a house of worship to 265 feet, to allow for a confined feeding operation in current location as the existing barns. Real estate is located in Section 6 of Perry Township, quadrant 200, parcel 005, common location known as 11402 W 1100 N Ligonier, IN.

G. Future Agenda Items

H. Adjournment

Posted on April 10, 2019 .

Noble County Board of Zoning Appeals

Regular Meeting

DATE: May 1, 2019 • TIME: 7:00 p.m.

PLACE: Dekko Meeting Room, Noble County Office Complex South, Albion, Indiana


A. Call to Order

B. Roll Call

C. Determination of Quorum

D. Consideration of Minutes

E. Unfinished Business

F. New Business

Variance #2138 WAYNE CENTER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - Requests a Development Standards Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 5.52), to allow for a 32 square foot lit ground sign of 4x8 with a total height of 7.5' - to be set in present sign’s location. Real estate is located in Section 15 of Wayne Township, quadrant 300, parcel 004 & 002, common location known as 1015 E School House Rd Kendallville, IN.

Special Exception #510 TRI COUNTY LAND TRUSTEE CORPORATION, Jason Knepp - Requests a Special Exception from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.03) for approval to operate a dog kennel of 10 dogs for private sales. Real estate is located in Section 7 of Elkhart Township, Quadrant 100, parcel 014, common location known as 10815 N 500 W Ligonier, IN.

Variance #2139 TRI COUNTY LAND TRUSTEE CORPORATION, Jason Knepp - Requests a Development Standards Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 5.30 Kennel Standards) To allow for a kennel to operate with a 12x16 kennel of 192 square feet instead of the UDO required 1000 square feet and 19.2 square feet per dog instead of the required 50 square feet per dog. Additionally, to allow an outdoor area of 50x50 of 2500 square feet instead of the UDO required 10890 square feet and 250 square feet per dog instead of 500 square feet per dog. Also, to allow a northern setback of 156 feet instead of the UDO required 250 feet. Real estate is located in Section 7 of Elkhart Township, quadrant 100, parcel 014, common location known as 10815 N 500 W Ligonier, IN.

Special Exception #511 MILLER, LAVON D & ROSE M - Requests a Special Exception from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.03) for approval to operate a dog kennel of 8 dogs. Real estate is located in Section 7 of Elkhart Township, quadrant 100, parcel 004, common location known as 10611 N 500 W Ligonier, IN.

Variance #2140 MILLER, LAVON D & ROSE M - Requests a Development Standards Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 5.30-Kennel Standards) To allow for the operation of a dog kennel with 160 square feet of indoor kennel instead of the UDO required 1000 square feet, 20 square feet per dog instead of the UDO required 50 square feet, outdoor area of 42x50 for 2100 square feet instead of the UDO required 10890 square feet and 262.5 square feet per dog outdoor play area instead of the UDO required 500 square feet per dog. Also, a reduced setback of 80 feet from the south property line instead of the UDO required 250 feet. Real estate is located in Section 7 of Elkhart Township, Quadrant 100, parcel 004, common location known as 10611 N 500 W Ligonier, IN

Variance #2141 THOMAS, JASON D & CATHY - Requests a Development Standards Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance, (Article 2.04) to allow a 7’ setback off the east property line instead of the UDO required 15’ for construction of a 24’x40’ pole barn. Real estate is located in Section 36 of Swan Township, quadrant 400, parcel 017, common location known as 11245 E 550 S LaOtto, IN.

Variance #2142 CHILDERS, EDWARD M - Requests a Development Standards Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 5.18) to allow for the placement of a six (6) foot privacy fence (wood) in the front yard along S. Williams St and SR 109, to allow for a proper enclosed yard for (2) dogs. Real estate is located in Section 33 of Noble Township, quadrant 300, parcel(s) 048 & 290, common location known as 3503 Maple Dr-57 Columbia City, IN.

Variance #2143 BRITTEN, WILLIAM A - Requests a Development Standards Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance, (Article 2.04) to allow for a 10’ northside setback instead of the UDO required 15’ to allow for construction of a 40’x60’ pole building. Real estate is located in Section 13 of Elkhart Township, quadrant 200, parcel 020, common location known as 9388 N 15 W Wawaka, IN.


G. Future Agenda Items

H. Adjournment

Posted on April 10, 2019 .

Noble County Board of Zoning Appeals

Regular Meeting

DATE: March 6, 2019 • TIME: 7:00 p.m.

PLACE: Dekko Meeting Room, Noble County Office Complex South, Albion, Indiana


A. A. Call to Order

B. Roll Call

C. Determination of Quorum

D. Consideration of Minutes

E. Unfinished Business

F. New Business

Variance #2131 JACKSON, SHERRY A - Requests a Development Variance from the Unified Development Ordinance Article 2.04 to allow for a 15’ North side setback instead of the UDO required 25’ to allow for living conditions in an existing pole building, allowing to be close to family members with ailing health conditions and keeping some separation. Real estate is located in Section 24 of Sparta Township, quadrant 100, parcel 045, common location known as 2687 N US 33 Kimmell, IN.

Special Exception #509 WHETSTONE, JOSEPH RAY & LORRINA PEARL - Requests a Special Exception from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.03) to allow a kennel of up to 8 adult dogs. Real estate is located in Section 7 of Orange Township, quadrant 200, parcel 004 common location known as 0505 E 1000 N Rome City, IN.

Variance #2132 WHETSTONE, JOSEPH RAY & LORRINA PEARL - Requests a Development Variance from the Unified Development Ordinance (Article 5.30 Kennel Standards) to allow for reduced indoor kennel area size of 35 square feet per dog instead of the 50 square feet and 280 square feet instead of 1000 square feet, and to allow for a reduced outdoor kennel area 240 square feet per dog instead of the 500 square feet and 1920 square feet instead of the 1/4 acre, For placement on the property together with size of existing buildings. Real estate is located in Section 7 of Orange Township, quadrant 7, parcel 004, common location known as 0505 E 1000 N Rome City, IN.

Variance #2134 CUPP, WILLARD K II & SHELLY M - Requests a Use Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.21) allowing to keep 2 (existing) goats for their lifetime. The goats have been there for 9 years, with an expected lifespan of 12 years. Real estate is located in Section 8 of Noble Township, quadrant 300, parcel 236, common location known as 4631 W 175 S Kimmell, IN.

Variance #2114 - RODENBECK, MARVIN L & RENEE J - Requests a Development Standards Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance, (Article 5.55) to allow a wall sign of 5’x26’ (130 sq. ft.) instead of the UDO allowed maximum of 65 sq. ft. to cover up the old sign. Real estate is located in Section 13 of Swan Township, quadrant 200, parcel 004 common location known as 11143 E 300 S Laotto, IN.

G. Junk Trash Debris

H. Future Agenda Items

I. Adjournment

Posted on February 14, 2019 .