Noble County Board of Zoning Appeals

Regular Meeting

DATE: March 6, 2019 • TIME: 7:00 p.m.

PLACE: Dekko Meeting Room, Noble County Office Complex South, Albion, Indiana


A. A. Call to Order

B. Roll Call

C. Determination of Quorum

D. Consideration of Minutes

E. Unfinished Business

F. New Business

Variance #2131 JACKSON, SHERRY A - Requests a Development Variance from the Unified Development Ordinance Article 2.04 to allow for a 15’ North side setback instead of the UDO required 25’ to allow for living conditions in an existing pole building, allowing to be close to family members with ailing health conditions and keeping some separation. Real estate is located in Section 24 of Sparta Township, quadrant 100, parcel 045, common location known as 2687 N US 33 Kimmell, IN.

Special Exception #509 WHETSTONE, JOSEPH RAY & LORRINA PEARL - Requests a Special Exception from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.03) to allow a kennel of up to 8 adult dogs. Real estate is located in Section 7 of Orange Township, quadrant 200, parcel 004 common location known as 0505 E 1000 N Rome City, IN.

Variance #2132 WHETSTONE, JOSEPH RAY & LORRINA PEARL - Requests a Development Variance from the Unified Development Ordinance (Article 5.30 Kennel Standards) to allow for reduced indoor kennel area size of 35 square feet per dog instead of the 50 square feet and 280 square feet instead of 1000 square feet, and to allow for a reduced outdoor kennel area 240 square feet per dog instead of the 500 square feet and 1920 square feet instead of the 1/4 acre, For placement on the property together with size of existing buildings. Real estate is located in Section 7 of Orange Township, quadrant 7, parcel 004, common location known as 0505 E 1000 N Rome City, IN.

Variance #2134 CUPP, WILLARD K II & SHELLY M - Requests a Use Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.21) allowing to keep 2 (existing) goats for their lifetime. The goats have been there for 9 years, with an expected lifespan of 12 years. Real estate is located in Section 8 of Noble Township, quadrant 300, parcel 236, common location known as 4631 W 175 S Kimmell, IN.

Variance #2114 - RODENBECK, MARVIN L & RENEE J - Requests a Development Standards Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance, (Article 5.55) to allow a wall sign of 5’x26’ (130 sq. ft.) instead of the UDO allowed maximum of 65 sq. ft. to cover up the old sign. Real estate is located in Section 13 of Swan Township, quadrant 200, parcel 004 common location known as 11143 E 300 S Laotto, IN.

G. Junk Trash Debris

H. Future Agenda Items

I. Adjournment

Posted on February 14, 2019 .