Plan Commission Duties & Responsibilities
The primary duty of the plan commission is to develop and recommend to the legislative body a plan for the future of the community.
Under Indiana law, they are also responsible for:
Preparing a comprehensive plan.
Preparing a zoning ordinance and a subdivision control ordinance
Making recommendations to the legislative body on proposals to amend the text of the zoning ordinance or subdivision control
Making recommendations to the legislative body on proposals to amend the zoning map (rezonings).
Approving or denying proposals to subdivide land, based upon compliance with the subdivision control ordinance.
Approving development plans.
Assigning street addresses.
Board Members
Randy Sexton - President, Required as County Surveyor
Ann Kline - Agriculture Agent
Dr. Sarah Ragan - Citizen Member appointed by Commissioners, term expires 2028
Anita Hess - Commissioner Member
Pattie Gatman - Citizen Member appointed by Commissioners, term expires 2026
Jeff Cunningham - Vice President and Citizen Member appointed by Commissioners, term expires 2027
Tom Griffiths - Citizen Member appointed by Commissioners, term expires 2024
Mary Wysong - Annual appointment by Council
Glen Lemon - Citizen Member appointed by Commissioners, term expires 2028
John Metzger - Alternative Member (Kimmel)
Jason Gaerte - Alternative Member (Albion)
Bill Ley - Advisory Member (Avilla)
*To contact any board member, email
Plan Commission Rules
According to Indiana Code, 'IC 36-7-4-401' the Plan Commission is required to adopt rules by which it will govern its activities. The rules were last amended and adopted on July 19, 2023. These rules are available for download here.