Noble County Plan Commission - Regular Meeting

DATE: April 17, 2024  ·  TIME:   7:00 PM

LOCATION: Lobby, Noble County Annex Building – 109 N York Street Albion, Indiana


1.     Call to Order

2.     Roll Call

3.     Determination of Quorum

4.     Consideration of minutes

  • March 20, 2024 

  • April 3, 2024 (Special Meeting)

5.     Unfinished Business

6.     New Business

Rezoning #579 J Tracy & Julia S Tipton - Requests a Zoning Map Amendment from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.21) to rezone 28.897+/-ac from Production Agriculture (A1) Zoning District (Article 2.03) to Rural Estates (RE) Zoning District (Article 2.09); as required by the UDO and to allow for the permitted uses in the RE Zoning District. Real estate is located in Section 12 of Allen Township, quadrant 300, parcels 005 & 007 common location known as 11279 E. 400 N. Kendallville, IN.

Major Subdivision #1180 J Tracy & Julia S Tipton – In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.15) requests a 4-lot Major Subdivision of 28.879+/-ac; with Lot 3 as 6.497+/- ac, Lot 4 as 6.689+/- ac, Lot 5 as 2.001+/- ac, and Lot 6 as 13.692+/-ac to be known as Tipton Acres Section 2. See Exhibit A for waiver requests from UDO. Real estate is located in Section 12 of Allen Township, quadrant 300, parcels 005 & 007, common location known as 11279 E. 400 N. Kendallville, IN.

Rezoning #581 Douglas O & Matthew J Lower - Requests a Zoning Map Amendment from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.21) to rezone 79.8748+/- ac from Production Agriculture (A1) Zoning District (Article 2.03) to High Intensity Industrial (I2) Zoning District (Article 2.37); to allow for the permitted uses in the I2 Zoning District, (Heaving Manufacturing, food production, outdoor storage) for a water bottling plant known as Whispering Springs. Real estate is located in Section 19 of Washington Township, quadrant 300, parcel 001 common location known as 3710 S St. Rd. 5 – 57 Pierceton, IN.

Rezoning #582 Aqua Holdings, LLC - Requests a Zoning Map Amendment from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.21) to rezone 67.124+/- ac from Production Agriculture (A1) Zoning District (Article 2.03) to High Intensity Industrial (I2) Zoning District (Article 2.37); to allow for the permitted uses in the I2 Zoning District, and to allow for an administrative subdivision with the adjoining parcel for consistent zoning. Real estate is located in Section 19 of Washington Township, quadrant 300, parcel 003 common location known as West of 3710 S St. Rd. 5 – 57 Pierceton, IN.

Rezoning #583 Colin Mullins- Requests a Zoning Map Amendment from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.21) to rezone 12.00+/- ac from Production Agriculture (A1) Zoning District (Article 2.03) to Rural Estate (RE) Zoning District (Article 2.09); process required by the UDO and to allow for the permitted uses in RE Zoning District. Real estate is located in Section 21 of Green Township, quadrant 300, parcel 012 common location known as 2065 E. 400 S. – 57 Churubusco, IN.

Major Subdivision #1187 Colin Mullins– In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.15) requests a 2-lot Major Subdivision to be known as Mullins Compound. Lot 1 as 5.61+/-ac and Lot 2 as 6.39+/-ac; leaving no remainder. See Exhibit A for waiver requests. Also, see Rezone #583. Real estate is located in Section 21 of Green Township, quadrant 300, parcel 012 common location known as 2065 E 400 S - 57 Churubusco, IN.

7.     Reports of Members, Staff, Officers, and Committees

-       Addresses                                                                 

-       Plat Committee & Administrative Subdivision Report

-       Zoning Violation Report

-       Member Reports

8.     Future Agenda Items

9.     Adjournment

Posted on April 5, 2024 .

Noble County Plan Commission - Plat Committee

DATE:  April 10, 2024  ·  TIME:   8:10 a.m.

LOCATION: Conference Room in Plan Commission Office, Noble County Annex Building



A.     Call to Order

B.     Roll Call

C.      Determination of Quorum

D.     Unfinished Business

E.      New Business

Minor Subdivision #1185 Allen E & Marilyn J Zeigler– In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.17) requests a 1-lot minor subdivision of 2.50+/-ac to be known as Zeigler Subdivision; leaving a remainder of 97.50+/-ac. Real estate is located in Section 35 of Green Township, quadrant 100, parcel 001, common location known as 4700 E. 500 S. Churubusco, IN.

Minor Subdivision #1188 Harriet Rose Masterson– In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.17) requests a 1-lot minor subdivision of 3.34+/-ac to be known as Cole Acres; leaving a remainder of 41.00+/-ac. Real estate is located in Section 4 of Noble Township, quadrant 400, parcel 012, common location known as North of 0128 S. 375 W. Albion, IN.

F.      Review Upcoming BZA Petitions

G.      Adjournment

Posted on March 28, 2024 .

Noble County Plan Commission - Regular Meeting

DATE: March 20, 2024  ·  TIME:   7:00 PM

LOCATION: Lobby, Noble County Annex Building – 109 N York Street Albion, Indiana


Hearings could be rescheduled due to weather. Please visit our website at Schedule changes will be posted on the home page.

1.  Call to Order

2.     Roll Call

3.     Determination of Quorum

4.     Consideration of minutes

-          February 21, 2024

5.     Unfinished Business

6.     New Business

Rezoning #576 S & H Properties, LLC; Noah Sheeley - Requests a Zoning Map Amendment from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.21) to rezone 2.00+/-ac (front West side) from Mobile Home (MH) Zoning District (Article 2.23) to Production Agricultural (A1) Zoning District (Article 2.03); to allow the permitted uses in the A1 Zoning District including a single-family dwelling. Real estate is located in Section 15 of Washington Township, quadrant 400, parcel 010 common location known as 8808 W. 225 S. Kimmell, IN. Final consideration by the Noble County Commissioners on 3/25/2024 at 09:30 AM at 109 N York St., Albion, IN 46701.

Minor Subdivision #1166 S & H Properties, LLC; Noah Sheeley – In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.17) requests a 1-lot minor subdivision of 2.00 +/-ac to be known as Sheeley Estates; leaving a remainder of 15.22 +/-ac (MH zoning). Real estate is located in Section 15 of Washington Township, quadrant 400, parcel 010, common location known as 8808 W. 225 S. Kimmell, IN.

Rezoning #577 Wawasee Area Conservation Foundation - Requests a Zoning Map Amendment from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.21) to rezone 5.240+/- ac from Open Space (OS) to Production Ag (A1). Real estate is located in Section 32 of Sparta Township, quadrant 400, parcel 001 common location known as South & West of 10420 W. 100 N. Cromwell, IN. Final consideration by the Noble County Commissioners on 3/25/2024 at 09:30 AM at 109 N York St., Albion, IN 46701.

Rezoning #578 K&S Holding LLC- Requests a Zoning Map Amendment from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.21) to rezone 5.260+/- ac from Production Ag (A1) to Open Space (OS). Real estate is located in Section 32 of Sparta Township, quadrant 400, parcel 006 common location known as South & West of 10420 W. 100 N. Cromwell, IN. Final consideration by the Noble County Commissioners on 3/25/2024 at 09:30 AM at 109 N York St., Albion, IN 46701.              

Administrative Subdivisions may be reviewed by the Plan Commission, with final approval by the County Surveyor and the Zoning Administrator:  Administrative Subdivision #1172 K&S Holding LLC &  Wawasee Area Conservation Foundation - In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.18 B2c) adjusting lot lines: Tract 1 as 5.26+/- ac from (400-006) and Tract D of 5.24+/-ac (400-001) to be combined into the existing tract (400-006) to total 28.71+/- ac. Essentially moving 5.24+/- ac parcel to the far east side. Real estate is located in Section 32 of Sparta Township, quadrant 400, parcels 001 & 006 common location known as South & West of 10420 W. 100 N. Cromwell, IN.

7.     Reports of Members, Staff, Officers, and Committees

-       Addresses                                                                 

-       Plat Committee & Administrative Subdivision Report

-       Zoning Violation Report

-       Member Reports

·         Public vs private funding

8.     Future Agenda Items

9.     Adjournment

Posted on March 1, 2024 .

Noble County Plan Commission - Plat Committee

DATE:  March 13, 2024  ·  TIME:   8:10 a.m.

LOCATION: Conference Room in Plan Commission Office, Noble County Annex Building



A.     Call to Order

B.     Roll Call

C.      Determination of Quorum

D.     Unfinished Business

E.      New Business

Minor Subdivision #1179 Andrew & Christina Geiger– In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.17) requests a 1-lot Minor subdivision of 2.00+/-ac to be known as Andrew and Christiana Geiger Addition. Real estate is located in Section 26 of Green Township, quadrant 300, parcel 009, common location known as North of 4805 S. 400 E. Churubusco, IN.

F.      Review Upcoming BZA Petitions

G.      Adjournment

Posted on March 1, 2024 .

Noble County Plan Commission - Plat Committee

DATE:  February 28, 2024  ·  TIME:   8:10 am

LOCATION: Conference Room in Plan Commission Office, Noble County Annex Building


A.    Call to Order

B.    Roll Call

C.    Determination of Quorum

D.    Unfinished Business

E.    New Business

Minor Subdivision #1170 Randy L & Joan Ackerman – In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.17) requests a 1-lot minor subdivision of 5.00 +/-ac to be known as Ran Jo Farm; leaving a remainder of 75.00+/-ac. Real estate is located in Section 12 of Wayne Township, quadrant 200, parcel 001, common location known as 11829 E. 1000 N. Kendallville, IN.

Minor Subdivision #1171 Gary V & Dana R Trust Timmerman – In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.17) to allow a 1-lot minor subdivision of 2.34+/-ac to be known as Adam & Samantha Taulbee Homestead; leaving a remainder of 73.09+/- ac. Real estate is located in Section 1 of Swan Township, quadrant 200, parcel 006, common location known as East of 11525 E. 100 S. Avilla, IN.

Minor Subdivision #1173 Gary K Osborn – In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.17) requests a 1-lot minor subdivision of 2.183 +/-ac to be known as Rolling Hills Subdivision; leaving a remainder of 38.558 +/-ac. Real estate is located in Section 13 of Green Township, quadrant 200, parcel 011, common location known as North of 2770 S. 600 E. Avilla, IN.

F.      Review Upcoming BZA Petitions

G.    Adjournment

Posted on February 15, 2024 .

Noble County Plan Commission - Regular Meeting

DATE: February 21, 2024  ·  TIME:   6:00 PM

LOCATION: Lobby, Noble County Annex Building – 109 N York Street Albion, Indiana


Hearings could be rescheduled due to weather. Please visit our website at Schedule changes will be posted on the home page.

1.    Call to Order

2.     Roll Call

3.     Determination of Quorum

4.     Consideration of minutes

-          January 17, 2024

5.     Unfinished Business

Attorney contract annual review

Continued: Revision of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) – The review and revision of the Unified Development Ordinance was contracted by Hometown Initiatives LLC. The contract involved a review of the entire document for inconsistencies and properly incorporating any past ordinances approved by the Legislative Body since the adoption of the UDO 2013 through January 2023. Below are the final modifications:

-          Article 1.27 Note President and Vice President

-          Article 3 Article 3.03 B – clarified to appropriately address boundaries as intended with the original Commercial Solar Ordinance, (1) Noise: removed the word “overlay”, (J) Visual Buffer: vision instead if visual, (N) Surety: paragraph was re-written and included the use of Cash Escrow, (N5) right of entry added county -authorized agent, (N6) recuperation included an authorized agent of the county’s choice, (P4) Natural Disaster receive was misspelled in (a) & (b), and Article 3.06 Windfarm: Overlay was misspelled.

-          Consideration of the revised UDO by the Plan Commission, with the option to vote for a favorable, unfavorable, or no recommendation to the County Commissioners may be considered at this meeting.

Public hearings for the review of the UDO were held at the Plan Commission regularly scheduled meetings beginning in April of 2023 through December of 2023 (noting no meeting held in October 2023). The final revised UDO has been available online at: since 1/22/2024 with a printed copy available for review in the office of the Plan Commission; 109 N York St, Albion In.

Legal Notices were posted in the News-Sun and Albion New Era on January 3, 2024.

Final consideration of the revised UDO by the County Commissioners will be held in a public hearing on February 26, 2024, at approximately 9:30 am. Location: 109 N York St Albion, IN.

6.     New Business

Rezoning #574 Eagle Ridge School (District 25-4) c/o Harvey Miller- Requests a Zoning Map Amendment from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.21) to rezone Lot 1 consisting of 4.50 +/-ac from Production Ag (A1) Zoning District (Article 2.03) to Institutional (IS) Zoning District (Article 2.25); to allow for the permitted uses in that zoning district (School (P-12)). Real estate is located in Section 7 of York Township, quadrant 400, parcel 006 common location known East of 6061 W. 500 N. Ligonier, IN. Final consideration by the County Commissioners will be held in a public hearing on February 26, 2024, at 10 am. Location: 109 N York St Albion, IN.

Vacation #295 James A Gilbert & Ginger R Giessler – Requests a vacation of Lots 8, 9 (including North portion), & 12 in High Point Addition to Big Lake Resort. Real Estate is located in Section 32 of Noble Township, quadrant 100, parcels 012, 013, 015 & 018; common location known as West of 5193 S. High Point Dr. Albion, IN; Lots 8, 9 (including North portion), & 12 in High Point Addition to Big Lake Resort.

Rezoning #575 James A Gilbert & Ginger R Giessler - Requests a Zoning Map Amendment from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.21) to rezone 0.05+/-ac (portion of vacated lot 8 & a portion of parcel 100-014) from Lake Residential (LR) Zoning to Production Agricultural (A1) Zoning; to combine into the adjoining tract to the West by Administrative Subdivision #1162. Real estate is located in Section 32 of Noble Township, quadrant 100, parcels 012 & 014 common location known as West of 5193 S. High Point Dr. Albion, IN; a portion of Lot 8 and 0.03+/-ac of parcel 100-014 in High Point Addition to Big Lake Resort. Final consideration by the County Commissioners will be held in a public hearing on February 26, 2024, at 9:30 am. Location: 109 N York St Albion, IN.

Subdivision #1161 James A Gilbert & Ginger R Giessler – In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.17 B 2) request to replat Lots 8, 9 (including North part), & 12 in High Point Addition to Big Lake Resort into 2 lots: lot 1 as 0.14 +/- ac and lot 2 as 0.28+/- ac to be known as J & G Addition. See Vacation #295, Rezone #575, and Administrative Subdivision #1162. Real Estate is located in Section 32 of Noble Township, quadrant 100, parcels 012, 013, 014, 015, 018, & 218; common location known as West of 5193 S. High Point Dr. Albion, IN; Lots 8, 9 (including North part), & 12 in High Point Addition to Big Lake Resort.    

Administrative Subdivisions may be reviewed by the Plan Commission, with final approval by the County Surveyor and the Zoning Administrator:  Administrative Subdivision #1162 Kevin & Julia Walker and James A Gilbert & Ginger R Giessler - In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.18 B2a) to allow a portion of vacated lot 8 in High Point Addition to Big Lake Resort (0.02+/-ac) and a portion of parcel 100-014 (0.03+/- ac) to be combined into the three larger tracts directly West to total 45.53+/- ac. Conditional of Vacation #295 and Rezone #575. Real estate is located in Section 32 of Noble Township, quadrant 100, parcels 002, 003, 004, 012, & 014, common location known as West of 5193 S. High Point Dr. Albion, IN; Lot 8 in High Point Addition to Big Lake Resort.

7.     Reports of Members, Staff, Officers, and Committees

-       Addresses                                                               

-       Plat Committee & Administrative Subdivision Report

-       Zoning Violation Report

-       Member Reports

8.     Future Agenda Items

9.     Adjournment

Posted on February 8, 2024 .