Noble County Plan Commission- Plat Committee

DATE:  January 12, 2022·  TIME:   8:05 a.m.

LOCATION: Conference Room, Noble County Office Complex – South



A.     Call to Order

B.     Roll Call

C.      Determination of Quorum

D.     Unfinished business

E.      New Business

Minor Subdivision #998 Linda Parker - In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.17) to allow a 2-lot minor subdivision; Lot 1 as 6.048+/- ac and Lot 2 as 5.662+/- ac to be known as Swan Parker Subdivision. Real estate is located in Section 34 of Swan Township, Quadrant 100, parcel 001, Common location known as 9796 E 500 S LaOtto, IN.

 Minor Subdivision #999 Sharon Rosswurm- In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.17) to request a 1 lot minor subdivision of 5.57+/- ac to be known as Rosswurm Estates, leaving a remainder of 71.43 +/- ac. Real estate is located in Section 1 of Green Township, Quadrant 300, parcel 008, Common location known as 0667 S 500 E Avilla, IN.

Minor Subdivision #1001 Paul Konger- In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.17) to request a 1 lot minor subdivision of 2.999 +/-ac to be known as Konger Estates with a remainder of 36.001 +/-ac. Real estate is located in Section 22 of Green Township, Quadrant 200, parcel 010, Common location known as 3730 S 400 E, Churubusco, IN.

Minor Subdivision #1003 Hosted Family Trust- In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.17) to request a 1 lot minor subdivision of 2.22 +/- ac to be known as Hosted Minor Subdivision, with a remainder of 77.78 +/- ac. Real estate is located in Section 7 of Allen Township, Quadrant 400, parcel 001, Common location known as 6430 E 500 N, Kendallville, IN.

F.       BZA review upcoming petitions.

G.      Adjournment

Posted on December 22, 2021 .

Noble County Plan Commission- Plat Committee

DATE:  December 22, 2021·  TIME:   8:05 a.m.

LOCATION: Conference Room, Noble County Office Complex – South


A.     Call to Order

B.     Roll Call

C.      Determination of Quorum

D.     Unfinished Business

E.      New Business

Subdivision # 996 Jerry Yoder - In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.17) requests a 1 Lot minor subdivision of 5.00+/- ac to be known as J.M. Yoder Minor Subdivision leaving a remainder of 40.95+/-ac. Real estate is located in Section 8 of Perry Township, Quadrant 400, parcel 003, Common location known as 10790 N 1100 W Ligonier, IN.

F.       BZA reviews upcoming petitions.

G.      Adjournment

Posted on December 13, 2021 .

Noble County Plan Commission- Regular Session

DATE: December 15, 2021   ·  TIME:   7:00 p.m.

LOCATION: Dekko Meeting Room, Noble County Office Complex – South, Albion, Indiana


1.     Call to Order

2.     Roll Call

3.     Determination of Quorum

4.     Consideration of minutes

5.     Unfinished Business

6.     New Business

Rezone #556 Perkins Homestead- Requests a Zoning Map Amendment from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance, (Article 9.21). To rezone Lot 1 (2 +/- ac) and Lot 2 (5.96+/-ac) of Perkins Homestead a total of 7.96 +/-ac. Approval would allow the re-plat of Perkins Homestead. Real estate is located in Section 11 of Wayne Township, quadrant 200, parcel(s) 010 & 011, commonly known as 10565 E 1000 N. Kendallville, IN 46755.

Vacation #281 Perkins Homestead- Requests from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.15) a Vacation of Lots 1 and 2 of Perkins Homestead. Real estate is located in Section 11 of Wayne Township, quadrant 200, parcel(s) 010 & 011, commonly known as 10565 E 1000 N. Kendallville, IN 46755.

Subdivision #992 Perkins Homestead- In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.15) to allow the replat of Perkins Homestead. Lot 1 as 2.35 +/- ac, Lot 2 as 2.30 +/- ac and Lot 3 as 3.31 +/- ac. Real estate is located in Section 11 of Wayne Township, quadrant 200, parcel(s) 010 & 011, commonly known as 10565 E 1000 N. Kendallville, IN 46755.

-          Fee Schedule Discussion

7.     Reports of Members, Staff, Officers, and Committees

-       Addresses                                                               

-       Plat Committee & Administrative Subdivision Report

-       Zoning Violation Report

-       Member Reports

8.     Future Agenda Items

9.     Adjournment

Posted on December 2, 2021 .

Noble County Plan Commission- Plat Committee

DATE: November 24, 2021 • TIME: 8:05 a.m.

LOCATION: Conference Room, Noble County Office Complex – South


A. Call to Order

B. Roll Call

C. Determination of Quorum

D. Unfinished business

E. New Business

Subdivision # 986 Paul L & Mary Ann Orr Gray - In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.17) requests a one lot minor subdivision of 2.42+/- ac to be known as Gray’s Estate, leaving a remainder of 34.18+/- ac. Real estate is located in Section 32 of Green Township, Quadrant 100, parcel 007, Common location known as 5392 S 200 E Churubusco, IN.

Subdivision #987 MERVIN D & CAROLYN M BONTRAGER - In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.17) requests a one lot minor subdivision of 2.00+/- ac to be known as M & C Bontrager, leaving a remainder of 7.753+/- ac. Real estate is located in Section 1 of Elkhart Township, Quadrant 400, parcel 001, common location known as 0859 & 0821 W 1200 N Wolcottville, IN.

Subdivision #988 Joas O and Kathryn BONTRAGER - In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.17) requests a two-lot minor subdivision of 9.99+/- ac to be known as Bontrager Estates. Real estate is located in Section 29 of Elkhart Township, quadrant 400, parcel 003, common location known as 7619 N 450 W Wawaka, IN.

F. BZA & Plan Commission review upcoming petitions.

G. Adjournment

Posted on November 18, 2021 .


DATE: November 17, 2021 • TIME: 7:00 p.m.

LOCATION: Dekko Meeting Room, Noble County Office Complex – South, Albion, Indiana

BZA Members Attending


1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Determination of Quorum

4. Consideration of minutes

5. New Business

Rezoning #555 HERSCHBERGER, SAMUEL & ESTHER- Request a Zoning Map Amendment from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance, (Article 9.21) to rezone 10.00+/- ac from A1 to I1 to allow for permitted uses in I1- Light Manufacturing (Sheds), leaving the remainder of 30.00+/- ac as A1. Real estate is located in Section 20 of Elkhart Township, quadrant300, parcel 005, common location known as W of 4701 W 850 N Ligonier IN.

6. Unfinished Business

- Commercial Solar Energy System Over Lay District (CSES-OD)

  • Commissioners rejected the initial CSES-OD that was approved on 9/15/21

  • Revisions will be discussed with the option to consider and vote on the ordinance.

Fee schedule

7. Reports of Members, Staff, Officers, and Committees

- Addresses

- Plat Committee & Administrative Subdivision Report

- Zoning Violation Report

- Member Reports

- Welcome new PC staff

8. Future Agenda Items

9. Adjournment

Posted on November 4, 2021 .


DATE: October 27, 2021• TIME: 8:05 a.m.

LOCATION: Conference Room, Noble County Office Complex – South


A. Call to Order

B. Roll Call

C. Determination of Quorum

D. Unfinished business

E. New Business

Subdivision # 982 Ann & Sue E McKinney-Anderson (Trust) - In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.17) requests a three-lot minor subdivision, Lot 1 as 2.50+/- ac, Lot 2 as 3.86+/- ac and lot 3 as 5.00+/- ac to be known as Pleasant Hill Minor Subdivision, leaving a remainder of 30.45+/- ac. Real estate is located in Section 4 of York Township, quadrant 200, parcel 004, common location known as 3345 W 525 N & 336 W 525 N, Albion IN.

F. BZA & Plan Commission review upcoming petitions.

G. Adjournment

Posted on October 22, 2021 .