DATE: September 15, 2021 · TIME: 7:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Dekko Meeting Room, Noble County Office Complex – South, Albion, Indiana
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Determination of Quorum
4. Consideration of minutes
- August 18, 2021
5. New Business:
Development Plan # 2021-01 Earl Price - In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.12) requests site plan approval for a proposed 10,600 sq ft, building that will be used for general retail (Dollar General) with 36 space parking lot and appropriate landscape screening. This retail development will serve approximately 115 customers per day and employ approximately 8 -10 people. Real estate is located in Section 34 of Orange Township, quadrant 400, parcel 016 commonly known as W of 3118 E US 6 Kendallville, IN 46755
6. Old Business
Solar Discussion:
Residential – Business Solar proposed amendment: The proposed changes would apply to Sections 2, 5 and 11 of the Unified Development Ordinance for all of the unincorporated areas of Noble County:
A. To allow the generation of solar energy to meet all, or offset part of, the electrical need on the premises for residential or business use under 40KW. Allowance will include roof and ground-mount solar.
B. Businesses generating more than 40KW for the electrical need on premise would require review by the Development Plan Committee.
C. Ground Mount Solar Energy Systems will be allowed for any 2+ acre parcel in any zoning district except Open Space (OS).
Commercial Solar Energy System Over Lay District (CSES-OD): The proposed changes would apply to Sections 2, 3 and 11 of the Unified Development Ordinance for all of the unincorporated areas of Noble County and for all zoning districts in this area with the exception of Open Space (OS), for the purpose to generate and sell solar power electricity. Items to consider will be:
A. Minimum Parcel Size
B. Process
C. Requirement
D. Height Restrictions
E. Equipment
F. Emergency Contact Signage
G. Fire Codes
H. Nuisance Prevention will include: Noise Generating Equipment Setback, Illumination, Laydown Area, Employee Parking of equipment and trucks, Office Site, Dust Control, Glare, Maximum Vibrations, and Interference with Reception.
I. Fencing Standards will include: installation, maintenance, condition and compliance standards.
J. Visual Buffer will include: Installation, Requirements, screening, and natural disaster requirements.
K. Ground Vegetation will include: a stewardship plan, preparation, maintenance and control of noxious weeds.
L. Waste Management
M. Participating Landowner Setbacks will include: property line setbacks, same ownership property line setback requirements and a waiver request.
N. Non-Participating Landowner Setbacks will include: Development setbacks for nonparticipating landowners from the existing dwelling and nonparticipating landowner property line, and a waiver request.
O. Electric Wires
P. Damage
Q. Decommissioning to include: a Bond equal to 100% of the maximum decommissioning costs, allowing the County the ability to use the surety and right, including entry onto the CSES site. Allowing the County, the ability to recuperate from the bond for cost incurred if the County takes part in the decommissioning of the CSES. The bond must be adjusted and submitted to the zoning administrator every five (5) years to prove sufficient funds are available to decommission the CSES. Notice of decommissioning shall be delivered in writing to the Zoning Administrator no later than sixty (60) days before decommissioning begins. The CSES site shall have all product removed to a depth of at least thirty-six (36) inches below grade and the ground condition shall be reasonably restored to original condition. The owner shall pay all attorney costs and fees for the enforcement of terms of the ordinance. Decommissioning shall be completed within one (1) year from the start date. A requested extension, if granted, can exceed no longer than six (6) months.
R. Abandonment – Natural Disaster to include: Decommissioning notice, removal of all assets within one (1) year, allowing the county to enter and initiate decommissioning of the CSES if abandoned. The owner shall pay all attorney costs and fees in the enforcement and terms of this ordinance.
S. Development Plan to include: road use and repair, decommissioning agreement, traffic management plan, stormwater erosion control ordinance compliance, economic development agreement, visual buffer and vegetative ground cover, site plan, waste management plan, CSES contact information, interested party notice, including names and addresses.
T. Definitions
U. Findings of Fact
7. Reports of Members, Staff, Officers, and Committees
- Addresses
- Plat Committee & Administrative Subdivision Report
- Zoning Violation Report
a. Member Reports
8. Future Agenda Items
9. Adjournment