Plat Committee
DATE: April 8, 2020 · TIME: 6:45p.m.
LOCATION: Dekko Room, Noble County Office Complex – South OR BY CALLING IN
Topic: Plat Committee
Time: Apr 8, 2020 06:45 PM Indiana (East)
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Meeting ID: 763 350 940
Password: planning
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A. Call to Order
B. Roll Call
C. Determination of Quorum
D. Unfinished business
E. New Business
SUB 811 EHRESMAN – In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 6.01) requests a one-lot minor subdivision of 6.08 acres with 23.23 acres as a remainder and 0.06 acres being combined with an adjoiner to be known as EHRESMAN. Real estate is located in section 30 of Allen Township, quadrant 300, parcel 005. Common location known as 1136 N 600 E, Kendallville, Indiana.
Waiver Request Stangland – Requests a waiver from the Unified Development Ordinance (Article 6.01) to allow for an illegal non-conforming parcel to be tagged as conforming in order to allow for further division of the land by administrative or minor subdivision. Real estate is located in section 23 of Noble Township, quadrant 200, parcel 003. Common location known as 3639 S US 33, Albion, Indiana.
F. Adjournment