Plat Committee

DATE:   September 26, 2016·  TIME:   3:00 p.m.

LOCATION: Dekko Room, Noble County Office Complex – South


A.      Call to Order

B.      Roll Call

C.       Determination of Quorum

D.      Unfinished business

E.       New Business:

Subdivision #460 Terry R & Merry Sue Mast – In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 6.01) request a 2 Lot Minor Subdivision; Lot 1 as 2.23+/- acres and Lot 2 as 2.23+/- acres to be known as Fink Dawn Subdivision, remainder of 35.06+/- acres. Real Estate is located in Section 5 of Perry Township, Quadrant 300, parcel 003 common location Known as 11104 N 1100 W Ligonier, IN. 

 F.       Adjournment

Posted on September 23, 2016 .

Noble County Plan Commission


DATE:   September 21, 2016·  TIME:   6:40 p.m.

LOCATION: Dekko Meeting Room, Noble County Office Complex – South, Albion, Indiana

A.     Call to Order

B.     Roll Call

C.     Determination of Quorum

D.     The Noble County Plan Commission will hold an Executive Session in accordance with Indiana Code 5-14-1.5-6.1.(b)(5) to discuss possible litigation.

E.     Adjournment              

Posted on September 16, 2016 .

Noble County Plan Commission

DATE: September 21, 2016·  TIME:   7:00 p.m.

LOCATION: Dekko Meeting Room, Noble County Office Complex – South, Albion, Indiana



A.  Call to Order:

B.   Roll Call:

C.  Determination of Quorum:                                                                                                               

D. Consideration of minutes:

       Consideration of minutes from the August 17, 2016 Regular Session

E.   Unfinished Business:

Findings of Fact

Rezone #456 Krusz             Vacation #243 Alleshouse          Simple Subdivision #444 Alleshouse

F. New Business:

Simple Subdivision #455 - Fry, Lavern and Katherine - In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 6.01) request a one-lot minor subdivision of 1+/- Acres to be known as South Side Cemetery, leaving the remainder of 74.460+/- acres. Real estate is located in Section 24 of Perry Township, quadrant 300, parcel 006, common location known as South of 6558 W 825 N, Ligonier IN.

 G.   Reports of Members, Staff, Officers, and Committees:

- Addresses 

- Administrative Subdivision Report

- Plat Committee

- Zoning Violation Report

- UDO Committee Report

- Member Report

H.   Future Agenda Items

I.    Adjournment

Posted on September 13, 2016 .


Plat Committee

DATE:   September 12, 2016·  TIME:   3:00 p.m.

LOCATION: Conference Room, Noble County Office Complex – South



A.    Call to Order

B.     Roll Call

C.    Determination of Quorum

D.    Unfinished business

E.     New Business

Subdivision #454 Dean and Mary Ellen Fry – In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance ( Article 6.01) request a two lot minor subdivision, lot 1 as 13.00+/- acres and lot 2 as 17.59+/- acres to be known as Dean & Mary Ellen Fry Subdivision. Real estate is located in Section 4 of Elkhart Township, quadrant 200, parcel 003, common location known as 11066 N 350 W Ligonier, IN. Subdivision

Subdivision #456 RIEGSECKER, ROBERT D & SANDRA - In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 6.01) request a 3 lot minor subdivision; Lot 1 as 6.23+/- acres, Lot 2 as 6.26+/- acres and Lot 3 as 4.26+/- acres to be known as Riegsecker's Estates. Real estate is located in Section 12 of Sparta Township, quadrant 100, parcel 003 common location known as 6061 W 500 N Ligonier, IN.Subdivision

Subdivision #457 Weissert, Dennis & Monya – In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 6.01) request a two lot minor subdivision, Lot 1 as 3.63+/- Acres and Lot 2 as 2.61+/- acres to be known as Sycamore Lane. Real estate is located in Section 28 of Noble Township, quadrant 300, parcel 025 & 040, common location known as 4951 S Channel Ln including Ground to the North, Columbia City, IN.

 F.    Adjournment

Posted on September 6, 2016 .

Plat Committee

DATE:   August 22, 2106   ·  TIME:   3:00 p.m.

LOCATION: Commissioner’s Room, Noble County Courthouse



A.      Call to Order

B.      Roll Call

C.       Determination of Quorum

D.      Unfinished business

E.       New Business:

Subdivision #452 – Green, Dianne E – In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 6.01) request a one-lot minor subdivision of 7.420 +/- acres, remainder of 31.36+/- acres to be known as XXXXXXXX/ Real estate is located in Section 29 of Swan Township, quadrant 100, parcel 004, common location known as 7474 E 400 S LaOtto, IN.


F.       Adjournment

Posted on August 18, 2016 .


DATE: August 17, 2016·  TIME:   7:00 p.m.

LOCATION: Dekko Meeting Room, Noble County Office Complex – South, Albion, Indiana


A.  Call to Order:

B.  Roll Call:        

C.  Determination of quorum                                                                                     

D.    Consideration of minutes:

Consideration of minutes from the July 20, 2016 Session

E.  Unfinished Business:

Findings of Fact

Rezone #456 Krusz         Vacation #244 J. Wicker      Subdivision #445 J. Wicker

Vacation #243 ALLESHOUSE, CURTISE & KATHY - Request from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.17) a Vacation of Lot 6 of Smith Addition to Cree Lake to allow landowner to increase parcel by Minor Subdivision process, newlot of 0.86+/- acres will be known as Alleshouse-Krusz Addition to Cree Lake. Real estate is located in Section 8 of Wayne Township, quadrant 200, parcel 046 common location known as Smith Addition Lot 6; 10342N State Rd 3 Kendallville, In.

Simple Subdivision #444 Alleshouse, Curtise & Kathy; KRUSZ, GEORGE III - Request a Two-Lot Subdivision in accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 6.01) Lot 1 as 0.86+/- acresLot 2 as 3.80+/- acres to be known as Alleshouse-Krusz Addition to Cree Lake. Real estate is located in Section 8 of Wayne Township, quadrant 200, parcel 046 & 073 common location known as NE of 10342 N ST Rd 3 and SE of 7822 E Cree Lake S Kendallville, In.

 F.   Reports of Members, Staff, Officers, and Committees


Administrative Subdivision Report

Plat Committee

Zoning Violation Report

UDO Committee Report

Member Reports

G.   Future Agenda Items

H.    Adjournment

Posted on August 15, 2016 .