DATE: March 22, 2023 · TIME: 8:05 a.m.
LOCATION: Conference Room in Plan Commission Office, Noble County Annex Building
A. Call to Order
B. Roll Call
C. Determination of Quorum
D. Unfinished Business
E. New Business
Minor Subdivision #1090 Joan E. Geiger c/o Jessica Deskins- In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.17) requests a 1-lot Minor Subdivision of Lot 1 as 2.06 +/-ac (approved variance #2278 allowed for less the UDO lot width to be at 60') to be known as Joan E. Geiger Subdivision, leaving a remainder of 70.09 +/-ac. The real estate is located in Section 28 of Noble Township, Quadrant 300, parcel 029, Common location known as 4805 S. SR. 109 Columbia City, IN.
Minor Subdivision #1092 Gary Wayne & Denise D. Whonsetler- In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.17) requests a 1-Lot minor subdivision of 3.21 +/- ac to be known as Whonsetler Subdivision; leaving a remainder of 36.761 +/- ac. The real estate is located in Section 35 of Swan Township, Quadrant 200, parcel 003, Common location known as 5970 S. 1100 E. Huntertown, IN.
F. Review Upcoming BZA Petitions
G. Adjournment