DATE: February 15, 2023 · TIME: 7:00 PM
LOCATION: Conference Room, Noble County Annex Building –Albion, Indiana
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Determination of Quorum
4. Consideration of minutes
- December 21, 2022
- January 17, 2023
5. Unfinished Business
Article 7.21 Private Street Standards (Moratorium – 90 days)
6. New Business
Rezoning #567 Cody A Kraus - Requests a Zoning Map Amendment from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.21) to rezone 23.175 +/- ac from A1 (Article 2.03) to A2 (Article 2.05) to allow the permitted uses in the Agricultural Commercial (A2) District – winery. To include: retail sales, a tasting room, a 36’x40’ warehouse for winery production and storage, a 22’x30’ building for equipment storage, and a 10’x12’ storage shed for overflow equipment, with weekly and monthly shipments of product(s) and hours of operations to be 12 pm-8 pm Monday-Saturday. The real estate is located in Section 33 of Green Township, quadrant 400, parcel 021 common location known as South of 2316 E. 500 S. – 57, Churubusco, IN. Final consideration by the Noble County Commissioners on 2/27/2023 at 9:30 AM at 109 N York St., Albion, IN 46701.
Rezoning #568 Harley O & Vonda Bontrager - Requests a Zoning Map Amendment from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.21) to rezone 3.16 +/- ac from A1 (Article 2.03) to RE (Article 2.09) to allow for a 1-lot Major Subdivision #1080; to be known as HB South Major Subdivision. Real estate is located in Section 7 of Perry Township, quadrant 200, parcels 001 common location known as the intersection of W. 1000 N. & N. 1100 W. and East of 11284 W. 1000 N. Ligonier, IN. Final consideration by the Noble County Commissioners on 2/27/2023 at 9:30 AM at 109 N York St., Albion, IN 46701.
Major Subdivision #1080 Harley O & Vonda Bontrager- In accordance with the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.15) requests a 1-lot Major subdivision; Lot 1 as 3.16 +/- ac to be known as HB South Major Subdivision, leaving a remainder of 87.20 +/- ac after the Administrative Subdivision #1066. Also, requesting the following waivers: provisions for providing sidewalks, street lighting, and 9.15 D2(c-i), an additional request for the Plan Commission to consider both the Primary and Secondary approvals on February 15, 2023. Real estate is located in Section 7 of Perry Township, quadrant 200, parcel 001 common location known as the intersection of W. 1000 N. & N. 1100 W. and East of 11284 W. 1000 N. Ligonier, IN.
UDO Inconsistency report
- Review of UDO amendments from 2013-2022 to consider changes for clarity.
Review E. Newman Attorney Contract
7. Reports of Members, Staff, Officers, and Committees
- Addresses
- Plat Committee & Administrative Subdivision Report
- Zoning Violation Report
- Member Report
- UDO Discussion
8. Future Agenda Items
- Hyndman Vacation #289 & Replat Minor Subdivision #1071
9. Adjournment