DATE: November 20, 2019 • TIME: 7:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Dekko Meeting Room, Noble County Office Complex – South, Albion, Indiana
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Determination of Quorum
4. Consideration of minutes
5. Unfinished Business
6. New Business
Review draft of the Noble County Zoning Code which is planned to replace the current Unified Development Ordinance in 2020 focusing on:
1. Ordinance Foundation & Organization
2. Zoning Districts
3. New/Amended Development Standards
a. Solar
b. Mailbox
c. Geothermal
d. Parking
e. Confined Feeding
f. Keeping of Animals
g. Allowing Cabins
No formal or binding action will take place on this agenda item except to suggest changes to the committee
7. Reports of Members, Staff, Officers, and Committees
a. Plan Director
- Addresses
- Plat Committee & Administrative Subdivision Report
- Zoning Violation Report
b. Member Reports
8. Future Agenda Items
9. Adjournment