REGULAR SESSION March, 19, 2014

DATE:   March 19, 2014

TIME:   7:00 p.m.      

PLACE: Dekko Meeting Room

Noble County Office Complex - South

Albion, Indiana


A.     Call to Order:

B.     Roll Call:

C.     Determination of Quorum:                                                                                                                                                                        

D.    Consideration of minutes: 

February 19, 2014 Regular Session  

E.     Unfinished Business:

Findings of Fact

Rezone # 418 Trent A & Danell Mynhier

Agricultural Irrigation Systems

Administrative Subdivision Terminology

F.     New Business:

Rezone # 419 Kirk & Rebecca Sickafoose -Request a rezoning from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance, Rezoning of 136 +/- acres from A1 to A3 to allow permitted uses in A3 (Article 2.07) Real estate is located in Section 27 of Jefferson Township, Quadrant 100, parcel 001,002 & 003.; common location known as 1701 N 400 E Albion, IN 46701

Subdivision # 262 Richard & Erma Lambright and John & Leona Troyer – Request from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance a Simple Subdivision (Article 9.17) to be known as Hidden Meadow School Addition. Lot 1 as 2.00 +/- acres, lot 2 as 4.82+/- acres, lot 3 as 3.00+/- acres. Lot 4 as 9.41+/- acres, lot 5 as 10.57 +/- acres are the remainder of Parcels totaling 29.80+/- acres. Real estate is located in Section 1 of Perry Township, quadrant 300, parcel(s) 007 & 005; common locations know as 11344 and 11322 N 700 W, Topeka. IN

Rezone # 420 Richard & Erma Lambright and John & Leona Troyer – Request from the Noble County UDO (Article 9.21) to Rezone lots 1, 2 & 4 to comply with County Zoning Ordinance and to Rezone lot 3 to IS to allow an Amish School. Real estate is located in Section 1 of Perry Township, Quadrant 300, parcels 007 & 005; common location know as 11344 & 11322 N 700 W Topeka, In

        Public Hearing


                A). Article 2.03 –Amend to remove Confined Feeding as an approved use in Agricultural District       (A1) 

                B). Article 2.08 – Amend to change Minimum Setbacks and Maximum Structure Height

                C). Definitions (page 11-7 & 11-23) will be amended as follows:

                Confined Feeding: The raising of animals for food, fur, or recreation in lots, pens, ponds, sheds, or buildings where the total number of animals is at least 300 dairy cattle, or 300 veal calves, or 300 cattle other than dairy cows, or 600 swine, or 600 sheep, or 30,000 ducks, or 30,000 laying hens, or 30,000 chickens. The term does not include a livestock market where animals are assembled from at least two (2) sources to be publicly auctioned or privately sold on a commission basis; and that is under state or federal supervision; or a livestock sales barn or auction market where animals are kept for not more than ten (10) days.

Confined Feeding Structure: A structure placed on a lot for Confined Feeding. Specific types of permitted Confined Feeding Structures are indicated in the Confined Feeding Standards in Article 5: Development Standards.

Raising of Farm Animals: A livestock operation that falls outside of the definition of Confined Feeding. Maximum number of farm animals shall be: 299 dairy cattle, or 299 veal calves, or 299 other than dairy cows, or 599 swine, or 29,999 ducks or 29,999 laying hens or 29,999 chickens.

                D). Confined Feeding Standards (Article 5.12)will be amended as follows:

    B. Minimum Distance from Existing Uses: A lot associated with the confined feeding operation, including animal barns/sheds, lagoons, animal mortality facilities, parking areas, truck maneuvering areas, feeding units, shall meet the following standards:

      1. Non-agricultural: The minimum separation from any confined feeding operation to any lot not zoned for confined feeding shall be 250 feet measured from structure to property line, or 500 feet measured from structure to the residence of any adjacent lot. Any residence located on the same lot as the confined feeding operation, or any residence on an adjacent lot that is owned and occupied by the confined feeding operation owner shall be exempt from this provision.

      2. Institutional: The minimum separation from any confined feeding operation to an existing institutional use shall be 1,000 feet measured from structure to property line of the non-agricultural lot. This separation requirement applies to any lot zoned IS. Institutional uses include places of worship, school, and government operation.

3. Platted Subdivision: The minimum separation from any confined feeding operation to an existing platted major subdivision shall be 1,320 feet measured from structure to property line of the non-agricultural lot(s).

C. Animal Mortalities: Disposal of animal mortalities shall be conducted in accordance with state environmental laws and must not create a health hazard to humans or animals.         


Final consideration of the Plan Commission’s recommendation by the Noble County Board of Commissioners scheduled for Monday, March 24, 2014 at 10:15 A.M. at the Noble County Courthouse, 101 North Orange St., Albion, Indiana

       Driveway Standards

G.   Reports of Members, Staff, Officers, and Committees

H.   Future Agenda Items

I.    Adjournment

Posted on March 17, 2014 .