Noble County Board of Zoning Appeals - Regular Meeting

DATE: April 3, 2024   •   TIME:  7:00 p.m.

PLACE: Commissioners’ Room in the Noble County Annex Building



A.     Call to Order

B.     Roll Call

C.     Determination of Quorum

D.     Consideration of Minutes

-          March 3, 2024

E.     Unfinished Business

F.     New Business

Variance #2321 Zachary D Maley- Requests a Development Standards Variance from the Unified Development Ordinance (Articles 2.04) to allow less the UDO minimum side yard setback of 25' to be at 14' (West property line), to consider the existing structure as a single-family detached dwelling, and for less the UDO minimum dwelling size of 1200 sq. ft. to be at 832 sq. ft. in an A1 Zoning District. Real estate is located in Section 13 of Swan Township, quadrant 300, parcel 002, common location known as East of Swan Cemetery at 11095 E. 300 S. LaOtto, IN.

Variance #2323 Monroe L JR & Rachel & Lucas Barkman- Requests a Development Standards Variance from the Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.04 & 5.33) to allow less the UDO required lot front of no less than 90’ of road front (60% of the 150’ required) to be at 50’, for three proposed lots. Also, for the UDO required minimum lot width to be at a greater distance than 85’ from the centerline of the road, opening to the UDO required 150’ minimum lot width at a distance approximately 290’ from the centerline of the road for the first tract, with the two additional tracts each opening to the UDO minimum lot width at a greater distance than 290’+/- from the centerline of the road. Additionally requesting to use the Minor or Administrative Subdivision process (UDO Article 9) instead of the Major Subdivision process. Real estate is located in Section 8 of Elkhart Township, quadrant 200, parcel 008, common location known as West of 10303 N. 400 W. Ligonier, IN.

WITHDRAWN on 3/26/24 - Variance #2324 Eagle Ridge School (District 25-4) - Requests a Use Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.25) to allow 864 sq. ft. of living space inside a school in an IS Zoning District; to be utilized by the school’s staff. Real estate is located in Section 7 of York Township, quadrant 400, parcel 006, common location known as East of 6061 W. 500 N. Ligonier, IN.

WITHDRAWN on 3/26/24 - Variance #2325 Pine Ridge School (District 25-1) - Requests a Use Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.25) to allow 792 sq. ft. of living space inside a school in an IS Zoning District; to be utilized by the school’s staff. Real estate is located in Section 5 of Elkhart Township, quadrant 200, parcel 013, common location known as South of 11441 N. 400 W. Ligonier, IN.

Variance #2326 Lakeside Rentals LLC; John Lengacher - Requests a Development Standards Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.22) to allow less the UDO minimum waterside setback of 75' and granted infill of 29' to be at 22' and minimum front yard (street) setback of 30' to be at 25' for the construction of a primary dwelling. Real estate is located in Section 13 of Elkhart Township, quadrant 100, parcel 008, common location known as 0076 W. Waldron Lake Dr.; Lot 5 in Placid Point Subdivision, Ligonier, IN.

Variance #2327 Lakeside Rentals LLC; John Lengacher - Requests a Use Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.21 & Article 11 pg. 10) to construct a two-family dwelling (duplex) instead of the UDO permitted single-family dwelling, with each unit being over 960 sq. ft. of living space, in Lake Residential (LR) Zoning District. Real estate is located in Section 13 of Elkhart Township, quadrant 100, parcel 008, common location known as 0076 W. Waldron Lake Dr.; Lot 5 in Placid Point Subdivision, Ligonier, IN.

G.    Junk, Trash, & Debris

H.    Member Reports

I.      Future Agenda Items

J.      Adjournment

Posted on March 13, 2024 .

Noble County Board of Zoning Appeals - Regular Meeting

DATE: March 6, 2024   •   TIME:  7:00 p.m.

PLACE: Commissioners’ Room in the Noble County Annex Building


A.    Call to Order

B.    Roll Call

C.    Determination of Quorum

D.    Consideration of Minutes

-          February 7, 2024

E.     Unfinished Business

F.     New Business

Special Exception 568 Kevin L & Sharon K Fry - Requests a Special Exception from the Unified Development Ordinance (Articles 2.03 & 5.30) to allow for a dog kennel of up to 8 adult dogs in an A1 zoning district. The real estate is located in Section 9 of Elkhart Township, quadrant 300, parcel 004, common location known as 3834 W. 1000 N. Ligonier, IN.

Variance #2318 Kevin L & Sharon K Fry - Requests a Development Variance from the Unified Development Ordinance (Article 5.30) to allow less the UDO minimum Kennel structure setback of 250’ to be at 198’ from the South (road). The real estate is located in Section 9 of Elkhart Township, quadrant 300, parcel 004, common location known as 3834 W. 1000 N. Ligonier, IN.

Variance #2319 Angela M & James A Jimenez - Requests a Use Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.03) to allow the use of (2) two barns (bank barn and remodeled coop) for personal and rental events of no more than 50 people who do not reside in the home, at any event, with parking for up to 30 vehicles and a permanent sign no larger than 32 sq. ft. Uses will include a meeting space for private (business) and rental events such as seasonal craft type fair, corporate events (inside and outside), bridal/baby showers, birthday, graduation, holiday parties, small weddings, and celebration of life with handicap restrooms available, and patrons to be off site by 11 pm (excluding the Airbnb rental). Also, requesting to allow for an overnight rental (Airbnb) of two bedrooms located in the coop barn.  Any alcohol used in conjunction with an event will be the responsibility of the renter. Real estate is located in Section 13 of Allen Township, quadrant 200, parcel 001, common location known as 11823 E. 300 N. Avilla, IN.

G.    Junk, Trash, & Debris

H.    Member Reports

I.      Communication

J.      Future Agenda Items

K.     Adjournment


Posted on February 15, 2024 .

Board of Zoning Appeals

Regular Meeting

DATE: February 7, 2024   •   TIME:  7:00 p.m.

PLACE: Commissioners’ Room in the Noble County Annex Building


Hearings could be rescheduled due to weather. Please visit our website at for schedule changes posted on the Home page.

A.    Call to Order

B.    Roll Call

C.    Determination of Quorum

D.    Consideration of Minutes

-          January 3, 2023

E.     Unfinished Business

F.     New Business

Variance #2316 CN & CN Properties South, LLC c/o Chad Niblock - Requests a Development Standards Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.40 C3 Zoning District) to allow less than the UDO required minimum front yard setback of 150' from the ROW to be at 75' for a drive/employee parking area and 110' for construction of a 6,100 sq. ft. office/maintenance building. Real estate is located in Section 30 of York Township, quadrant 400, parcel 002, common location known as 1751 N. US 33 Kimmell, IN.

Special Exception #567 Kristen M. Muselman - Requests a Special Exception from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.03) to allow for a Commercial Stable in Production Ag (A1) Zoning District. Real estate is located in Section 22 of Swan Township, quadrant 100, parcel 014, common location is known as 3403 S. 950 E. LaOtto, IN.

Variance #2317 Myron L & Suzannah F Miller - Requests a Development Variance from the Unified Development Ordinance (Article 5.52 A(1)) to allow to vary from the UDO permitted wall sign standard in an A1 zoning district for the placement of a permanent posted sign (26 sq. ft.) at the corner of W 825 N (no closer than 30’ from edge of pavement) and N 600 W (no closer than 16’ from edge of pavement) for advertisement of a Home-Based Business Type 3 (Piston/Engine Machine Shop) located at 6316 W. 825 N. The real estate is located in Section 24 of Perry Township, quadrant 200, parcel 019, common location known as 8211 N. 600 W. Ligonier, IN.

G.    Junk, Trash, & Debris

H.    Member Reports

I.      Future Agenda Items

J.      Adjournment

Posted on January 22, 2024 .

Noble County Board of Zoning Appeals - Regular Session

DATE: January 3, 2024   •   TIME:  7:00 p.m.

PLACE: Commissioners’ Room in the Noble County Annex Building


*Hearings could be rescheduled due to weather. Please visit our website at for front-page schedule changes.

A.    Call to Order

B.    Roll Call

C.    Determination of Quorum

D.    Election of Officers

E.     Consideration of Minutes

-          December 6, 2023

F.     Unfinished Business

G.    New Business

Development Standards Variance #2315 Kent R JR Walters & Sean P Sharma- Requests a Development Standards Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.22) requests to be less than the UDO required minimum waterside setback of 75' to be at 43' for construction of a 27'x17' attached deck. Real estate is located in Section 9 of Washington Township, quadrant 100, parcel 083, common location known as Lot 16 in Turkey Creek Heights; 1066 S. Bause Lake Dr. W. Cromwell, IN.

H.    Junk, Trash, & Debris

I.      Member Reports

J.      Future Agenda Items

K.     Adjournment

Posted on December 21, 2023 .

Noble County Board of Zoning Appeals - Regular Session

DATE: December 6, 2023   •   TIME:  7:00 p.m.

PLACE: Commissioners’ Room in the Noble County Annex Building

AGENDA - Meeting Packet

A.    Call to Order

B.    Roll Call

C.    Determination of Quorum

D.    Consideration of Minutes

-          November 1, 2023, regular and special meeting

E.     Unfinished Business

-          Consideration of Memorandum of Findings of Fact for Variance #2309, #2313 and Special Exception #564

F.     New Business

Variance #2311 Marion J & Karen E Hochstetler - Requests a Use Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.03) to allow for a small farm animal auction open to the public to be held once a month during May-September on an A1 zoned parcel. Operation hours to be 2pm-8pm, with 70-100 vendors selling approximately 200-300 caged animals per auction (1-4 animals per cage).  No reptiles, dogs/cats, federal birds, exotic animals, or large farm animals will be sold. Also, to allow for the sale of refreshments by the local school during the auction (compliant with the Co. Health Department). Real estate is located in Section 1 of Perry Township, quadrant 100, parcel 016, common location known as 11923 N. 600 W. Topeka, IN.

Development Standards Variance #2312 Robert G & Judy K Rollins - Requests a Development Standards Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.22) to allow less the UDO minimum required front yard (street) setback of 30’ to be at 24’ for construction of a detached garage (no greater than 36x55). Real estate is located in Section 16 of Wayne Township, quadrant 100, parcels 025-027, common location known as Lot 11-13 in Schockopee Village; 8798 E. Circle Dr. Kendallville, IN.

Development Standards Variance #2314 Michael L & Rose Marie Williams - Requests a Development Standards Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.22) to allow less the UDO minimum required waterside setback of 75’ to be at 60’ for the construction of a new home. Real estate is located in Section 33 of Noble Township, quadrant 400, parcel 055, common location known as Lot 42 of Fruchey’s 2nd Addition to Big Lake Resort; 3667 W. Huntington Ave, Columbia City, IN.

Special Exception #566 Michael E & Jayme L Wilson - Requests a Special Exception from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.03) to allow for a 24x21 accessory dwelling with a 12x21 attached garage including a loft above the garage, and a 36x5 covered porch in an A1 zoning district. Real estate is located in Section 19 of Allen Township, quadrant 100, parcel 006, common location is known as 6640 E. SR. 8 Kendallville, IN.

G.    Junk, Trash, & Debris

H.    Member Reports

-          Review 2024 Meeting Dates

-          Miller Special Exception #562-Driveway

I.      Future Agenda Items

-          Elections of Officers

J.      Adjournment

Meeting Packet for the above agenda

Posted on November 16, 2023 .