DATE:          June 10, 2015

TIME:          7:00 p.m.

PLACE:        Conference Room, Noble County Office Complex South, Albion, Indiana


A.    Call to Order

B.    Roll Call

C.     Determination of Quorum

D.    New Business 

E.     Variance 1968 Pfleidner, James R. – Request a Development Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.04) to allow minimum square footage of 1,024 instead of the required 1,200sq ft. Real estate is located in Section 1 of Green Township, quadrant 200, parcel 003, common location known as parcel North & West of 0870 S 600 E Avilla, IN.

F.     Reports

G.    Future Agenda Items

H.   Adjournment 

Posted on May 28, 2015 .


Regular Meeting

DATE:               June 3, 2015

TIME:               7:00 p.m.

PLACE:            Dekko Meeting Room, Noble County Office Complex South, Albion, Indiana


A.      Call to Order

B.      Roll Call

C.      Determination of Quorum

D.      Consideration of Minutes

E.      Unfinished Business

Findings of Fact


Variance #1953 Stump

Variance #1954 Ellet

Special Exception # 450 Jett

Variance #1955 Jett

Special Exception #451 Busche

Variance #1957 Miller


F.       New Business

Variance #1958 - Kessel, David  & Rhonda -Request a Development Standards Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 5.04) to allow permanent placement of a Manufactured Home (MFH- singlewide) for family use or personal guest, will not be used for income purposes. Real estate is located in Section 12 of Jefferson Township, quadrant 100, parcel 005 common location known as 5686 E 500 N Kendallville, IN

Variance #1959 Dreibelbis, Brad L & Sarah L - Request a Development Standards Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance to allow 40’ from the centerline of the road instead of the UDO required 85’ to allow construction of a new 32’X48’ barn for Ag Use. Real estate is located in Section 15 of Green Township, Quadrant 300, parcel 016, common location known as East of 2700 S 300 E, Albion, IN.

Variance #1960 Adams, Michael & Tina - Request a Development Standards Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.22) to allow 52’ from the water’s edge instead of the UDO required 75’ (or Zoning Administrator 58’ applied infill) to allow construction of a new home to set out of septic area as deemed by the Noble County Health Department. Real estate is located in section 4 of Noble Township, quadrant 100, parcel 014, common location known as 0605 S Lakeview Dr. Albion, IN

Variance #1961 Hirschy, Russell Lee & Deloris Elaine Trust- Request a Development Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.22) to allow continued placement of a manufactured home (MFH- Singlewide) for family use only and not to be used as a rental. Real estate is located in Section 17 of Noble Township, quadrant 400, parcel 134, common location known as 4527 W C Dr, Albion, IN.

Variance #1962 Miller, Elva H & Velma L - Request a Development Standards Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.08) to allow a 455’ setback off the South property line (Parcel Zoned RE) instead of the required 500’ per the UDO and to allow 190’ setback from the East property line instead of the UDO required 250’ to allow for setbacks for a confined feeding barn; parcel will need to be rezoned prior to CFO.  Real estate is located in Section 11 of Elkhart Township, Quadrant 400, parcel 004, common location known as 1818 W 1050 N Wawaka, IN.

Variance #1963 Kelham, Steven D & Kathleen - Request a Development Standards Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.04) to allow a maximum height of 40’ instead of the UDO required 30’ for a manure storage building. Real estate is located in Section 1 of Swan Township, quadrant 100, parcel 002, common location known as 0364 S 1200 E Avilla, IN.

Variance #1964 Holderman, John A -  Request a Development Standards Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.22) to allow for 8’ from the road right of way instead of the UDO required 30’ to allow for a concrete handicap ramp. Real estate is located in Section 31 of Noble Township, quadrant 400, parcel 016 common location know as 5316 S 600 W – 57, Columbia City. IN

  1. Reports

Discussion Regarding Junk, Trash and Debris Ordinance # 2010-6

Zoning Violation - Diehm

  1. Future Agenda Items
  2. Adjournment 
Posted on May 20, 2015 .


Regular Meeting

DATE:     May 6, 2015

TIME:     7:00 p.m.

PLACE:   Dekko Meeting Room, Noble County Office Complex South, Albion, Indiana


A. Call to Order

B. Roll Call

C. Determination of Quorum

D. Consideration of Minutes

E. Unfinished Business

Findings of Fact

Variance # 1950 Diehm

Variance# 1951 Moser

Variance # 1952 Depew

Mary Alice Sunier – Junk, Trash, Debris Ordinance # 2010-6

F. New Business 

Variance #1953 Stump, James Hall & Bonita C - Request a Development Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 9.18) to allow a 30% reduction in lot size instead of the UDO required 20% to allow for an Administrative Subdivision. Real estate is located in Section 10 of Washington Township, Quadrant 100, parcel 003, common location known as 8326 W Gilbert Lake Rd. Kimmell.

Variance #1954 Ellet, Derrick & Alissa - Request a Development Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.04) to allow a 28’ setback from the centerline of the road instead of the UDO required 85’. Real estate is located in Section 31 of Noble Township, Quadrant 200, parcel 017 common location known as 5705 W Wolfs Rd – 57 Columbia City, IN

Special Exception # 450 – Jett, Sheila (Jett Family Trust) - Request a Special Exception from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.03) to allow permanent placement of an Accessory Dwelling (MFH) to be used by family and to allow a 3rd home on parcel. Real estate is located in Section 26 of Elkhart Township, Quadrant 300, parcel 005 common location known as 7452 N 200 W Wawaka, IN.

Variance #1955 Jett, Sheila (Jett Family Trust) – Request a Use Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 5.04 (c) (2)) to allow the use of a mobile home as an Accessory Dwelling for the use of family. Real estate is located in Section 26 of Elkhart Township, quadrant 300, parcel 005 common location known as 7452 N 200 W Wawaka, IN

Special Exception #451 Busche, Dwight & Phyllis - Request a Special Exception from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.03) to allow an Accessory Dwelling for Permanent use, by family only, not to be used as a rental. Real estate is located in Section 8 of York Township, Quadrant 200, parcel 011 common location known as 4220 W Albion Rd, Albion In

Variance #1957 Miller, Debra Sue - Request a Development Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.04) to allow a new 800 sq. ft. home instead of the UDO required 1,200 sq. ft.  Real estate is located in Section 25 of Sparta Township, quadrant 300, parcel 004, common location known as Deer Lake – North of 6790 W 100 N Kimmell, IN

G. Reports

Discussion Regarding Junk, Trash and Debris Ordinance # 2010-6

H. Future Agenda Items

I. Adjournment 

Posted on April 16, 2015 .

Noble County Board of Zoning Appeals

Regular Meeting

DATE:          April 1, 2015

TIME:          7:00 p.m.         

PLACE:        Dekko Meeting Room, Noble County Office Complex South, Albion, Indiana


A. Call to Order

B. Roll Call

C. Determination of Quorum

D. Consideration of Minutes

Regular Session; March 4, 2015

E. Unfinished Business

Findings of Fact

Variance # 1948 Diehm

Variance # 1949 Schultise

F. New Business 

Variance # 1950 Carmen M Darland – Request a Development Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance to allow a 0’ lot line setback, to allow an 18’x36’ addition to cross L18 & L19 (same owner) instead of the UDO required 10% of lot width. Real estate is located in Section 11 of Noble Township, quadrant 100 parcel 031, common location known as 1348 S 90 W Albion, IN.

Variance # 1951 Douglas & Patricia Moser – Request a Development Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance to allow a 1’ West side setback instead of the UDO required 25’ to allow an addition to the existing attached garage (own adjoining west property). Real estate is located in Section 6 of Perry Township, quadrant 200, parcel 003 common location known as 11402 W 1100 N, Ligonier, In.

Variance # 1952 Rick Depew -  Request a Development Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance to allow a 0’ setback of the West Lot line to construct a 30’x60’ garage across L69 & L70 (same owner) and to allow a Maximum Structure Height for an Accessory Structure of 23’ instead of the required 20’ Per the UDO. Real estate is located in Section 33 of Noble Township, quadrant 400, parcel 141, common location known as 3691 W Columbia St. Columbia City, IN 


G. Reports

Discussion Regarding Junk, Trash and Debris Ordinance # 2010-6

H. Future Agenda Items

I. Adjournment


Posted on March 18, 2015 .


Regular Meeting

DATE:    March 4, 2015

TIME:     7:00 p.m.

PLACE:  Dekko Meeting Room,Noble County Office Complex South, Albion, Indiana


A. Call to Order

B. Roll Call

C. Determination of Quorum

D. Consideration of Minutes

February 4, 2015

E. Unfinished Business

Findings of Fact

Variance #1946- Dean B. Garrett Sr.

Variance #1947 Sandra K Dailey E Bixler

F. New Business 

Administrative Appeal - Craig and Marilyn Diehm

Variance No.1948 Diehm, Craig & Marilyn - Request a Development Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance to allow the South Fence Line to set at 6.5’ instead of the UDO required 3’, requirement that the front not serve as an enclosure, and omit the Vision Clearance Standards as required by the UDO, (Articles 5.18, 5.67 & 5.16). Real estate is located in Section 1 of Noble Township, Quadrant 100, parcel 023, common location known as 0399 S 50 W, Albion, IN

Variance No.1949 Schultise, Karl A - Request a Development Standards Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.22) to allow a 0’ setback from the South property line instead of the UDO Required 6’ and to allow an 8’ Waterside Setback from the East property line instead of the required 21’ infill allowance per the Zoning Administrator. Real estate is located in Section 18 of Orange Township, quadrant 300, parcel 019, common location known as 9412 N Steinbarger Lake Dr. Wawaka, IN

G. Reports

Discussion Regarding Junk, Trash and Debris Ordinance # 2010-6

H. Future Agenda Items

I. Adjournment 

Posted on February 18, 2015 .