DATE: October 5, 2022 • TIME: 7:00 p.m.
PLACE: Conference Room in the Noble County Annex Building
A. Call to Order
B. Roll Call
C. Determination of Quorum
D. Consideration of Minutes
E. Unfinished Business
Variance #2250 Ernest E & Luella Mae Lehman- Requests a Development Variance from the Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.03 & Page 11-10 Dwelling, Two-Family (Duplex)) to allow a 1,208 sq. ft. attached residential dwelling. Also, to allow both the primary and accessory dwelling to be attached by a heated breezeway to the shop making the structure a duplex, in an A1 Zoning district. Real estate is located in Section 24 of Perry Township, quadrant 200, parcel 008, common location is known as 6430 W. 825 N. Ligonier, IN.
F. New Business
Variance #2269 Steven L & Regina Bontrager- Requests a Use Variance from the Unified Development Ordinance to allow a Type 3 Retail, Medium Intensity (Article 11 pg. 32) in A1 zoning to be placed in an existing 30x60 shop to sell onsite hunting and sporting goods consisting of the following items: archery bows and arrows, clothing, boots, tree stand’s, food plot seeds and other hunting equipment (No firearms will be sold). Also requests to have outdoor display areas for tree stands and targets. Landowner attests to follow the Type 3 Home Business Standards (Article 5.26). For the lifetime of Steven & Regina Bontrager. Real estate is located in Section 17 of Elkhart Township, quadrant 400, parcel 003 common location known as 9719 N. 450 W. Ligonier, IN.
Special Exception #553 Lavern W & Sue Ann Fry- Requests a Special Exception from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.03) to allow a kennel for up to 14 adult dogs for commercial breeding in A1 zoning. Real estate is located in Section 4 of Elkhart Township, Quadrant 100, Parcel 001, common location known as 3341 W. 1200 N. Ligonier, IN.
Variance #2270 Lavern W & Sue Ann Fry - Requests a Development Standards Variance from the Unified Development Ordinance (Article 5.30) to allow for less the UDO required minimum setback of 200' for the exercise yard (11,160 sq. ft.) to be at 100' as measured from the centerline of the road from the North, 40' from the South, and 50' from the East; also, less the UDO required minimum structure setback of 250' to be at 130' from the North, 50' from the South, and 190' from the East; (noting meets both West required minimum setbacks). Real estate is located in Section 4 of Elkhart Township, Quadrant 100, Parcel 001, common location known as 3341 W. 1200 N. Ligonier, IN.
Special Exception #554 Laura A Gould- Request a Special Exception from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.03) to allow construction for permanent placement of an accessory dwelling of 1,185 sq. ft. Real estate is located in Section 15 of Swan Township, quadrant 100, parcel 005.
G. Junk, Trash, Debris & Zoning Violations
H. Member Reports
I. Future Agenda Items
J. Adjournment