Noble County Board of Zoning Appeals

Rescheduled Meeting

DATE: July 27, 206   •   TIME:  7:00 p.m.

PLACE: Dekko Meeting Room, Noble County Office Complex South, Albion, Indiana


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Determination of Quorum
  4. Consideration of Minutes
  5. Unfinished Business

Findings of Fact

Variance #2019 Gates          Variance #2020 Maxson

  1. New Business

Variance #2021 MAST, GLEN E- Request a Use Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.03) to allow a Marina Operation in an A1 Zoning. Operation to consist of up to thirty (30) boats until October 1, 2016 and after that continued use of up toSix (6) boats for family use only, transferable to a family member. Real estate is located in Section 14 of Elkhart Township, quadrant 100, parcel 046 common location known as West of 9789 N 125 W (Dukes Bridge) Wawaka, IN.

Variance #2022 Schwartz, Jacob M & Lorene E - Request a Development Standards Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 5.30 B3a, C1, C2, C3- NA). To allow (B3a) the indoor area of 580 sq. ft. instead of the UDO required 1,000 sq. ft. and (C1, C2) setbacks of 115’ from the North property line, 100’ from the South property line instead of the UDO required 250’, (C3) Kennel will have AC available, when needed. Real Estate is located in Section 7 of Elkhart Township, quadrant 300, parcel 009, common location known as 10444 N 600 W Ligonier, IN.

Variance #2023 HARRIS, JOHN A & KIMBERLY S - Request a Development Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.22) to allow a 25’ waterside setback (South Side) instead of the UDO required 75’ to allow construction of a 192 sq. ft. shed. Real estate is located in Section of 16 Jefferson Township, quadrant 100, parcel 102, common location known as 2594 E Skinner Lk Dr N, Albion, In.

  1. Reports

Discussion Regarding Junk, Trash and Debris Ordinance # 2010-6


  1. Future Agenda Items
  2. Adjournment
Posted on July 18, 2016 .