Regular Meeting

DATE: August 5, 2015   •   TIME:  7:00 p.m.

PLACE: Dekko Meeting Room, Noble County Office Complex South, Albion, Indiana


A.     Call to Order

B.     Roll Call

C.     Determination of Quorum

D.    Consideration of Minutes

E.     Unfinished Business

Findings of Fact


Variance #1964 Holderman

Variance #1963 Kelham

Variance #1966 Dyer

Variance #1967 Grandstaff

Variance #1969 Palan


F.      New Business 

-         Variance # 1974 Miller, Floyd C & Inez C -Request a Development Standards Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 5.12 – Confined Feeding Standards) to allow a 25’ Eastside Setback and a 10’ Westside Setback instead of the UDO required 250’ to add a 42’x560’confined feeding barn to be regulated by IDEM. Real estate is located in Section 24 of Perry Township, Quadrant 400, parcel 002, common location known as 6600 W 825 N Ligonier. IN


-         Special Exception # 457 Hales, Ross D & Candace A Gum - Request a Special Exception from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.03) to allow an Accessory Dwelling for family use only; will not be used as a rental. Real estate is located in Section 30 of Sparta Township, Quadrant 200, parcel 011, common location known as 1350 N SR 5 Cromwell, IN.


-         Discussion and possible vote regarding BZA Rules

G.     Reports

Discussion Regarding Junk, Trash and Debris Ordinance # 2010-6

H.    Future Agenda Items

I.       Adjournment


Posted on July 15, 2015 .