DATE: May 7, 2014
TIME: 7:00 p.m.
PLACE: Dekko Meeting Room, Noble County Office Complex South, Albion, Indiana
A. Call to Order
B. Roll Call
C. Determination of Quorum
D. Consideration of Minutes
E. Unfinished Business
Findings of Fact:
Variance # 1911 James Pearce
Variance # 1913 Dexter Lutter-Prime Care Ag LLC C/O Chuck Wysong
F. New Business
Variance #1914 Garland & Addie Slone/Cosperville Baptist Church - Request a Development Standard Variance from the Noble County UDO (Article 2.16 & Article 5.43C) to allow a 0’ setback from the edge of the right-of-way on the East and South property line instead of the required 25’ per the UDO, and to allow gravel material for a parking lot. Real estate is located in Section 22 of Elkhart Township, quadrant 400, parcel 019,018 & 014; common location known as 8881 N 250 W, Wawaka, IN.
Variance # 1915 Frances Leitch- Request a Development Variance from the Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.04) to allow a 44’ setback from the centerline of the road west of home instead of the 85’ per the Noble County UDO to build an attached garage for convenience due to health concerns. Real Estate is located in Section 35 of York Township, Quadrant 100 parcel 002; common location known as 0722 N Wolf Lake Rd, Albion, IN
Variance # 1916 Kenneth G & Lori Ann Troyer – Request from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance a Development Variance (Article 5.12) to allow a 125’ setback off the East property line (rear) instead of the required 250’ per the Noble County UDO to allow a 40X413 Confined Feeding Barn. Real estate is located in Section 8 of York Township, Quadrant 300, Parcel 006; common location known as 4344 N 500 W Ligonier, IN 46767
G. Reports:
- Trash Junk and Debris
Dale Hart
Norman Leitch
H. Future Agenda Items
I. Adjournment