Regular Meeting

DATE:             November 5, 2014

TIME:               7:00 p.m.

PLACE:           Dekko Meeting Room, Noble County Office Complex South, Albion, Indiana


A.        Call to Order

B.        Roll Call

C.        Determination of Quorum

D.        Consideration of Minutes

E.        Unfinished Business

Findings of Fact

Special Exception #442 Schlabach

Special Exception #443 Trowbridge

Special Exception # 444 Gingerich

Variance # 1934 Belle Oaks

Special Exception # 446 Konger

Variance # 1935 Konger


F.        New Business :

Variance No.1936 William & Elizabeth Looney - Darin Miller (Personal Rep for E. Looney) - Request a Development Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.22). To allow a new modular home to cross the property line (lot 2 & lot 3) and to allow new home to set no closer than 20’ to water’s edge, no closer than 10’ to the edge of the road right-of-way, and 5’ from the Southwest side property. Real estate is located in Section 7 of Orange Township, Quadrant 300, Parcel 020; common location known as 10065 N Jones Lake Rd, Rome City, IN

Variance No.1937 Joanna Fike - Request a Development Variance from the Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.04) to allow setback from the center line of the road to be no closer than the existing barn (east of the house) for an addition to the home. Real estate is located in Section 7 of Swan Township, quadrant 100, parcel 004, common location known as 6876 S Hopewell Rd, Avilla, IN 46701

Variance No.1938 Derek W & Kelli M Myers - Request a Development Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.22) to allow a 20’ waterside setback instead of the 75’ per the Noble County UDO to allow construction of a new home. Real Estate is located in Section 18 of Orange Township, Quadrant 400, parcel(s) 055 & 082, common location known as 0111 E Frantz Dr. Wawaka, IN

Variance No.1939 Harold & Judy Hicks - Request a Development Variance from the Noble County Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.10) to allow a carport (additional storage) to set 2’ setback off the North property line instead of the UDO required 15’. Real estate is located in Section 5 of Wayne Township, Quadrant 100, parcel 031, common location known as 11730 N SR 3, Kendallville, IN

Special Exception No. 447 David A & Rhonda R Kessel - Request a Special Exception Use from the Unified Development Ordinance (Article 2.03) to allow an Accessory Dwelling for permanent use. Real estate is located in Section 12 of Jefferson Township, Quadrant 100, parcel 005, common location known as 5686 E 500 N Kendallville, IN 46755

Variance No.1940 Douglas & Michele Shank - Request a Development Variance from the Noble County Unified Develop Ordinance (Article 5.33-Minimum Lot Frontage) to allow 0’ of road frontage for Lot 2 and Lot 3 of proposed Bottles Estates, for safety purposes, access allowed by easement. Real estate is located in Section 24 of Perry Township, Quadrant 100, 008, Common location known as 6413 W 900 N, Ligonier IN.

G.        Reports –

 Variance requests under the UDO

Trash Junk, Debris

Communication with Mr. Skaggs from J. E. Newman, Attorney

H.          Future Agenda Items

I.         Adjournment 

Posted on October 24, 2014 .