Noble County Plan Commission Department

Our office enforces the zoning ordinance in unincorporated parts of Noble County and the Town of Cromwell.
The incorporated towns of Kendallville, Albion, Ligonier, Rome City, and Avilla maintain their ordinances and are outside of our jurisdiction.

Notice is hereby given the Noble County Plan Commission did hold a public hearing on the following petitions: Said public hearing was held in the Noble County Annex Building, 109 N. York Street, Albion, IN, at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 15, 2025.

Approval or disapproval of the Plan Commission’s recommendation will be heard by the Noble County Board of Commissioners on Monday, February 10, 2025, at 1:00 P.M. in the Noble County Annex, 109 N York St. Albion, Indiana

The Plan Commission held a public hearing regarding the following amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance:

  • The Noble County Legislative Body initiated a proposal on December 16th, 2024, for the initiation of a moratorium, by a 2-1 vote, for the Plan Commission to consider the following: Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Article 3.04 & Article 9.10: A one (1) year moratorium for Article 3.04 & Article 9.10 regarding Commercial Solar Overlay District: No applications will be accepted during this time frame.

  • Article 9.18(C)(2): Restrictions: the minor subdivision process may be used up to two times, allowing for no more than three tracts; which include the remainder of the parent parcel. Approval of this amendment would be effective on existing parent parcels that have not used the Minor Subdivision process in the past.

  • Article 9.19(B)(2)(c): Adjusting lot lines; two owners may adjust a lot line separating their two properties if survey errors were discovered; or if both owners desire a modification as long as it does not result in any new or escalation of a nonconformance; (remove “or” to replace with “and”) does not reduce either’s lot area by more than twenty percent (20%).

  • Land Use Matrix Updates to comply with the most recent Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) revision – 10/15/2024.

Objections and Comments: Written objections or comments may be filed with the Plan Commission and will be considered at any hearing. Oral comments will be heard at any scheduled hearing in accordance with the hearing rules of the Plan Commission/Board of Zoning Appeals.

Continuance of Public Hearing: At the Plan Commission's discretion, the public hearing may be continued to other dates.

All applications are on file in the office of the Noble County Plan Commission for public examination.

Public Meeting Weather Related Closures:

will be listed here

& on the appropriate meeting agenda

Unified Development Ordinance

The Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) is the zoning ordinance for unincorporated areas of Noble County. Download your own searchable copy here.

Board of Zoning Appeals

The BZA is considered an administrative board that is quasi-judicial in nature. A quasi-judicial entity operates more like a court than a legislative body and uses many standards and procedures like the courts. BZA decisions are required by state law to be guided by specific criteria, and made based upon the facts, not opinions. The primary role of the Board of Zoning Appeals is to rule on the application of the existing zoning laws as opposed to passing new laws, and therefore it is considered an administrative body. Citizen Planners Guide, page 18.

They also manage appeals to decisions made by the Planning Director (also known as the Zoning Administrator) via Administrative Appeals and oversee Trash, Junk, and Debris complaints filed at the Planning Commission Office or on this website.

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Plan Commission

The Planning Commission institutes and maintains the UDO (Unified Development Ordinance), which is our zoning ordinance in Noble County. 

(Learn more about the UDO here)

The nine-member board holds appointed members (County Commissioner, County Council member, the appointed ag agent, and the County Surveyor)  and citizen members. 

Common tasks handled by the Planning Commission are Subdivisions, Vacations of platted land (but not platted public ways, like roads or public drives), rezonings (the Plan Commission provides a recommendation to the Commissioners who make the final determination), amendments to the zoning ordinance (known as the UDO or Unified Development Ordinance) and the zoning maps.   

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